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Cuchillo multiusos Stubai TIROL de acero inoxidable al cromo-molibdeno especialmente endurecido, 150 mm

Cuchillo multiusos Stubai TIROL de acero inoxidable al cromo-molibdeno especialmente endurecido, 150 mm

Some important qualities of a good leader include: 1. Communication skills: A good leader must be able to effectively communicate with their team members in order to provide clear and concise instructions, give feedback, and resolve conflicts. 2. Integrity: Leaders should have strong ethical principles and lead by example. They should be honest, reliable, and have a strong sense of accountability. 3. Emotional intelligence: Good leaders are able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. They are empathetic and able to connect with their team members on an emotional level. 4. Decisiveness: Leaders must be able to make tough decisions in a timely manner. They should gather all the necessary information, consider the potential risks and benefits, and take action when needed. 5. Adaptability: In today's fast-paced world, leaders need to be flexible and open to change. They should be able to adapt their strategies and plans as necessary, and be willing to learn from their mistakes. 6. Vision: A good leader should have a clear vision for the future and be able to inspire others to work towards that vision. They should be able to set goals, define objectives, and develop strategies to achieve them. 7. Empowerment: Leaders should empower their team members by giving them responsibility, trusting them to make decisions, and providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed. 8. Confidence: Leaders should have confidence in their own abilities and in the abilities of their team members. This confidence helps to inspire trust and motivate the team to perform at their best. 9. Problem-solving skills: Leaders should be able to identify problems and find effective solutions. They should be able to think critically, analyze situations, and make informed decisions. 10. Resilience: A good leader should be able to bounce back from setbacks and persevere in the face of challenges. They should be able to stay positive and motivate their team during difficult times.
22,90 €*

incl. IVA. | incl. Embalaje y envío

2-5 días laborables
  • 1025889
  • 742315
Cuchillo multiusos Stubai TIROL de acero inoxidable al cromo-molibdeno especialmente endurecido, 150 mm

Cuchillo multiusos TIROL de acero cromomolibdeno inoxidable endurecido especial, 150 mm

Las herramientas Stubai han sido sinónimo de calidad excepcional durante más de 100 años, una calidad que se puede ver y sentir. ¡Trabajar es divertido! Cuchillo profesional de acero cromomolibdeno inoxidable. Especialmente resistente al corte con una impresionante capacidad de corte gracias a un endurecimiento especial. Diseño fino y afilado con mango resistente al lavavajillas y fácil de limpiar en una forma práctica y ergonómica. Longitud de la hoja: 150 mm

Contenido del paquete:

  • 1 pieza - Cuchillo
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